Interested in selling your estate items in Herndon?
Sell Your Estate Items in Herndon with ezDownsizing
Interested in conducting your own seller-managed online auction in Herndon? Our innovative online auction software is specifically designed to enable you to create, manage and execute your very own online auction. Whether it’s an estate sale online auction, benefit online auction, or even a yard/garage sale online auction, we will provide you with the necessary training and tools to make you look and feel like a pro! Download our Mobile Auction Method app on your smartphone or tablet and begin processing your items for online auction today!
Take a day to process your items, a week, or longer. Once you’re ready for the auction to go live let us know and we will review it with you, launch it, and ensure it gets the marketing exposure it deserves! We provide you the link to your auction so you can share it via your own social media networks and online resources. At the conclusion of the auction, we immediately process the winning bidders’ payment via their credit card on file. We provide you with winning bidder’s invoices so you may identify their items purchased and assist them in retrieving their goods during your scheduled pickup hours. It’s that easy!
Within seven business days of the auction close, we will send you a check and a settlement sheet with a full accounting of the auction results. If you live in Reston and you’re looking to get started on selling your estate items, start with ezDownsizing today!